College Bound

College Bound promotes economic self-sufficiency through support and motivation toward college admission. College Bound students are typically the first in their family to attend college and are academically able to handle college curriculum, but would benefit from additional support in the college application process. They are referred to the program by their counselor.

College Bound is available to referred students, free of charge in the following districts in Wayne County:

Grades 7-12

Grades 11-12

Red Creek




Services Provided:

  • Weekly meetings at home school with College Bound Coordinator
  • Information on various colleges and degree programs
  • SAT/ACT test information
  • Assistance in completing college applications
  • Information about financial aid and local scholarship opportunities
  • Discussion groups with workshops featuring topics such as: interviewing, budgeting, and stress management
  • Interest assessments and career exploration
  • Field trips to area college campuses, the National College Fair and Voices of Experience